# Vue List Rendering

# Loop through an array

	<li v-for="detail in details">{{detail}}</li>
# Example
<button v-on:click="toggleShowBooks">
	<span v-if="showBooks">Hide Books</span>
	<span v-else>Show Books</span>
books: [
	{ title: 'name of the wind', author: 'patrik rothfuss'},
	{ title: 'the final empire', author: 'brandon sanderson'},
	{ title: 'the way of kings', author: 'brandon sanderson'},

# Variations:

# Using the index:

<li v-for="(detail, index) in details">{{detail}} - {{index}}</li>

# Loop through Objects

<li v-for="value in { name: 'Hans', age:39}">

# With Key-Name

<div v-for="(value, key) in object">
  {{ key }}: {{ value }}

# With Key-Name and Index

<div v-for="(value, name, index) in object">
  {{ index }}. {{ name }}: {{ value }}

# Loop trough a range of numbers

<li v-for="num in 10">{{num}}</li>

# Key Attribute

Essential for list items! Each DOM element needs a unique key.

<div v-for="variant in variants" :key="variant.id">
	{{ variant.color }}

:keyis shorthand for v-bind

  • Key needs a uniqe value für each element.

    • Usually IDs (don't use index)
    • can be the whole object
  • to keep frontend-ui in sync

  • performance improvements

  • you can use template literals:

    <li v-for="(detail, index) in details" :key="`key${index}`">{{detail}}</li>

# v-if and v-for:

DON'T use them on the same element. use a wrapper with v-if instead!